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Legal expertise that gives you peace of mind

The NFU Legal Panel comprises of 16 legal firms located throughout England and Wales. Here at Bowcock Cuerden LLP we are the chosen legal panel firm by the NFU to represent both Cheshire and Derbyshire. We offer NFU Farmer & Grower members legal support and 12.5% discount on hourly rates directly relating to any legal matters within their farming, family or growing business.

We have been specifically selected by the NFU for our experience and expertise in agricultural and horticultural matters; We can also assist in non-farming areas of law and our advice is completely impartial.

As an NFU Legal Panel we offer the following benefits to NFU members:

  • 12.5% discount on hourly rates
  • Fixed fees for specified services
  • Act as a one-stop shop for NFU members
  • Free initial report to support your LAS funding application where appropriate
  • Great accessibility and helpful support
  • Comprehensive advice whatever your problem – business, property or family-related
  • Deliver the NFU Contract Checking Service – helping you to understand exactly what you’re signing
  • Deliver the NFU Legal Health Check Service – helping to identify concerns or legal matters that may need to be addressed on your farm.

What to do if you have a legal query?

Stage 1: NFU CallFirst
As part of your NFU membership you already have access to a team of legal experts at NFU CallFirst by calling 0370 845 8458. They will offer you free initial advice and try to resolve your query.

Stage 2: Referral
If the NFU specialist adviser is unable to resolve your query and you live in the Cheshire or Derbyshire area, they will refer you to us here at BC.

Stage 3: NFU Legal Panel Firm
We will work closely with you to support your query and to assist with your application to the NFU Legal Assistance Scheme if your case is eligible for financial support.

As the NFU panel solicitors for Cheshire and Derbyshire we are generally present with the NFU at shows in each county and are always very pleased to see any of our clients, contacts and NFU members.

Watch our You Tube Vlogs about our NFU free legal services to NFU members below.